Lamar Odom Khloe Kardashian
Lamar Odom is fighting for his life.
With Khloe Kardashian is making all medical decisions for him since the two are still technically married since filing for divorce in 2013, the former NBA basketball and reality star may not make it through the next 48 hours.
Found in a brothel 70 miles outside of Las Vegas, Odom was unresponsive Tuesday afternoon, according to a CNN report. “When they took him to the Pahrump hospital, the people there told us, ‘He doesn’t look good. He doesn’t look like he’ll make it, and if he does, he won’t be the same,’ ” said Dennis Hof, owner of the Love Ranch in Crystal where Lamar was found by two women that work there.
“Two women went to check on Odom on Tuesday afternoon, after not hearing from him since early morning, and they found him face down and unconscious,” reported ESPN. “When they turned him on his side at the direction of a 911 operator, Odom started ‘throwing up all kinds of stuff.”‘
Though Hof said he had only seen Odom “taking herbal Viagra and had drunk part of a bottle of cognac since arriving,” he denied seeing the star use any drugs. But according to Love Ranch employees and the CNN headline, “Lamar Odom had been using cocaine; brothel employees say.”
Airing their love on reality television for 20 episodes after their engagement and marriage in 2009, Kardashian told the network that though they were divorcing, he would always remain her best friend. “Despite her family’s objection, she regularly talked to her ex-husband by phone during episodes of ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ this season,” reports CNN.
Playing 14 seasons in the NBA, his last two with the L.A. Lakers, Odom’s friends and former teammates have not stopped talking about Tuesday’s tragedy. “It’s tough. It’s tough because these guys were real close to him here, and the Laker family really loved him,” said Nick Young, L.A. Lakers guard, to CNN. “For anybody to be down like that and go through so much, it’s tough. Your heart goes out to him.”
Also a former teammate and Knicks coach, Derek Fisher, said Odom “is one of the greatest people I’ve ever known.”
“I don’t view him through the prism of choices that he’s made, I view him through the heart and soul of the person that he really is,” said Fisher. “I’m obviously hoping that he can pull through this and that in some fortunate way this becomes the beginning of a different ending.”
CNN reported that “fellow NBA player Dwyane Wade said he was up late, worried about his friend and former Miami teammate,” and turned to Twitter to share his love. “I can’t help but to be up right now … ,” tweeted Wade early Wednesday. “On my knees praying … please God let him pull through.” Reportedly at his bedside since arriving at the hospital, Kardashian has not released a press statement regarding Odom’s present condition.
Citing a 2011 Los Angeles Times article where Odom expressed the many deaths he has had to endure, from his infant son to his grandmother, CNN reported he said “death always seems to be around me,” said Odom to the newspaper. “I’ve been burying people for a long time.”
May Odom’s words prove untrue in this instance and he pull through and make a full recovery.