Thursday 23 June 2016

Man left with SEVEN horrific holes in his back after botched cupping procedure

Li Lin was told that that the procedure would help with his pain and stiffness and allow him to move freely

Doctors ordered Li to stop his cupping therapy and he was given treatment for his wounds
A therapeutic cupping treatment has left a man with seven large holes on his back.
Li Lin, 63, booked in for the therapy after being told that it would help with his pain and stiffness and allow him to move freely.
However her was left with gaping wounds on his back after his skin started to fester.
Lin began taking the treatment every day from mid-May to mid-June in the hope of treating his scapulohumeral periarthritis - more commonly referred to as "frozen shoulder".
He was told that the therapy, which has a history of several thousand years in traditional Chinese medicine, would help him to move freely.
CENLi Lin was left with seven holes on his back after undergoing cupping therapy that he was told would make him feel better
Li Lin was left with seven holes on his back after undergoing cupping therapy that he was told would make him feel better
The treatment, known in Chinese as "ba guan", traditionally utilises heated glass cups to create local suction on the patient’s skin, causing circular bruising that is believed to be the result of now mobilised and free-flowing blood.
However, instead of having his condition cured, the man from Chengdu, capital of south-western China’s Sichuan Province, was left with holes on his back that were essentially very serious, deep burn wounds.
Li said he went for the treatment every day in Chengdu, and his therapist placed the cups in the same position on his back.

After 10 days he reportedly began to notice blisters on his back, but convinced the treatment would cure his aching shoulder, Li asked his wife to remove the blisters so he could continue the cupping therapy.
CENThe giant burns cover the 63-year-olds back
The giant burns cover the 63-year-olds back
Two days before the scheduled end of his treatment, however, Li started experiencing severe pain on his back and also started spiking a high fever.
A trip to the doctors then revealed horrifying circular wounds on his back that had started to fester.
Doctors ordered Li to stop his cupping therapy and he was given treatment for his wounds.
Reports quoting doctors said Li could have suffered from serious infections had he not checked himself into hospital in time.
They noted that while cupping therapy is perfectly fine, the method should not be done on the same place on the body over such a long period of time.

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  1. Lin was imbalanced for allowing himself to undergo that much cupping, which by the way works very well when done correctly. It is hot, and easy to tell when it is too much, so he should have been well aware long before it got anywhere near that madness. What was he thinking to allow someone to do that to him? That is the real question! Or is that a doctored picture to discredit alternative health systems? Hmm . . .


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